Join A Committee
Aurora Players has several standing committees that meet throughout the year. The main purpose of these committees is to keep our organization running smoothly. Many of our committees are busy for just two to three months out of the year and simply meet on an “as needed” basis during the remainder of the year. Each committee has a chairperson who is appointed by the President of the Board.
Committees are a fun and interesting way to learn new skills and meet friendly people with similar interests, while providing an invaluable service to Aurora Players. Explore the brief descriptions of these committees by clicking on the links below. Perhaps you’ll find something that’s just right for you.
Membership Committee
A wide variety of volunteer opportunities keep this important function working smoothly. Some duties include large mailings, record keeping and community outreach under the leadership of the Committee Chair. Our membership outreach usually begins in May or June of each year. Please Email to sign up or learn more!
Playbill Committee
Producing the Playbill, which is our publication that bookends each show’s program, is a big project that starts in June and ends in September. It involves helping to create a season brochure from an existing template, coordinating mailings to potential advertisers and sponsors, and having the Playbill printed in time for our fall season opener. Volunteers are led by the committee chair. Please Email to sign up or learn more!

2019 Playbill
ProjectSTAGE Committee
Volunteers assist the lead teachers as needed during this very successful series of summer theatrical workshops for children. Designed to encourage enthusiasm for and interest in theater at an early age, ProjectSTAGE typically accepts children at the fourth-grade level through ages 16 or 17. Participants are divided into two or three groups according to age. Groups meet at the Historic Roycroft Pavilion for a few hours on weekdays during a two-week period, culminating in a short production in front of an audience. Please Email to sign up or learn more!
Marketing Committee
This committee works year-round, but especially around eight weeks before each show, to garner publicity to help fill those seats! Led by the publicity chair, volunteers brainstorm ideas for feature articles and human-interest stories to “pitch” to local print, radio and TV media. They also help develop appropriate press materials to support those efforts and deliver posters to local businesses for display. These are just some of the activities of this committee, all of which are geared toward raising awareness and interest in Aurora Players and our productions. Please Email to sign up or learn more!
SRO (Standing Room Only newsletter)
Volunteers assist the editor to publish periodic newsletters (typically six issues/year) that keep the membership informed regarding Aurora Players’ news, activities and opportunities. Please Email to sign up or learn more!
Scholarship Committee
Aurora Players presents a $500.00 scholarship award each year to a deserving, graduating high school senior who is pursuing a college degree in a theater-related major. Scholarship hopefuls, from school districts located in South Erie County, complete an application and submit it for review by the committee. The committee reads each application and meets to decide upon the year’s scholarship winner. Please Email to sign up or learn more!
Website Committee
Our website is an important point of contact between Aurora Players and its members, sponsors, volunteers and the community. Help our web master keep our website fresh and updated with show information, news, photographs and videos so that we are always putting our best foot forward. Please Email to sign up or learn more!